Spliting up Eccolas Coat

This site is about Eccolas coat before and after we spilt it up. It took 9 days in a speed so Eccola's could endure.

Eccola from the site, before the spilt up, She had a very thick and fluffy coat.

Eccolas front, before the spilt up.

The spilt up begin. You find a natural spilt and spilt it down to the skin.
If you think this mat is to thick or to wide you can spilt or cut it smaller.

We cut her dreadlocks around or straight.

The first paw is now done.

The difference between the paws.

Both paws is now done.

The shoulder is spilt.

On this site you can se a big differencee

The neck is spilt but some of the back is stil missing.

The chest is now finish.

Her front is finish.

This site is finish.

The site and back is finish.

From behind.

The extra hair/wool, there are about 500 g wool.
The wool is post to carding and spin to make yarn.
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